Friday, March 20, 2015

English Standard

Warming up to write an Illustration

1a) If you shop wisely you can save large amounts of money.

  • Shopping can get out of control. You just need to know how to manage your money. A good way to avoid spending a lot of money is to only buy things you really need. Second, if your shopping for food, you can easily find coupons, or stick with things that are on sale.
1b) My mom and dad hear and see things differently.
  • Some ways to avoid excommunications, or to make both parents understand, you need to sit with them both and talk,Second, communicate with both no matter what you are doing.

English Standard

 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,

using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports

the argument presented.

Warming up to write an Argument

Write down at least three objections to each of the following propositions: 

1a) Women should be drafted into the military.

  • emotionally unstable
  • women should take care of their kids
  • to weak
1b) The United States should have its own army
  • its costly
  • become one world government 
  • United Nations should bring peace
1c) The euro should now be used in every country of the world.
  • not everyone knows how to pay in euros
  • all country's would be the same
1d) Every official meeting of congress should begin with a prayer.
  • not everyone has the same religion
  • conflicts of religion
  • religion should not be involve with political view
 1e) " I am not responsible for saving the world"
  • save the world by recycle
  • volunteer work, picking up trash
  • save water 
For each of the following areas, list three topics you think you could develop into a persuasive argument:

2a) Something in your personal life you would like to change.
  • economic problems
  • living conditions
2b) A social or political problem that needs solving.
  • teen pregnancy
  • minimum wage
  • gas prices
2c) An area of education you would like to see improved.
  • public speaking 
  • attendance
  • communication 
Sketch out some ideas you would like to use to support the following quotations: 

3a)  " Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest violence."
  • When people are being discriminated, the end results end up in great violence
3b) " The most tragic paradox of our time is to be founded in the failure of nations-states to recognize the imperatives of internationalism."
  • need to be more patriotic
  • use time wisely 
3c) " There is no greater lie than the truth misunderstood."
  • The boy who cried wolf was telling the truth , and they ended up killing him
3d) " To be successful in business, be daring, be first,be different."
  •  make your own decisions, don't let anyone make them for you 
3e) " The drive toward complex technical achievement offers a clue to why the U.S is good at space gadgetry and bad at slum problems."
  • the U.S has a good title, but yet does nothing to help poverty

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Economic Standard

12.2.2. Discuss the effects of changes in supply and/ or demand on the relative scarcity, price, and quantity of particular products.

In order to understand the effects of supply and demand, you first need to know what they are. Supply is the amount of goods that are available, and demand refers to the measure of how much of a certain item is wanted. I am going to tell you how the law of Supply and Demand drives our economy on how it effects the changes between them. I am also going to discuss how supply and demand affects our daily lives, and learn a bit on how to you can save and spend your money. Supply and Demand are the driven force of our economy, if demand increases, the price rises, and if supply increases, the prices fall. An example of demand is, “ The demand for a specific toy, can get really high at Christmas time.” Another example could be, “ During Valentines Day, there is a high demand for roses.” An example of supply is, “ Say there is corn normally than what people would buy, and in order to get rid of it the prices have to lower for everyone.”

Supply and Demand can affect our daily lives, especially with prices, they change all the time making it hard to decide on what to buy. Some changes could be from a store having a sale, or gas prices going up. No matter the changes, there is always a way to monitor your money by saving or even making some. Learning the ways of supply and demand can be hard, but there are simple things to save some money. For example, I love shopping, but prices on clothes can get really high, and one way to spend my money well is by buying things on “Opposite Season.” If I buy summer clothes during winter I have the advantage of the decreased demand,and same goes with the opposite season. This chart below shows the supply and demand for cookies.

When we then plot and draw both curves together we are able to see the market price of the product.

The market price for cookies in this graph is 30 cents. The quantity sold and bought is 1100 cookies.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Economics Standard

12.1.1 Performance Standard:

Examine the causal relationship between scarcity and the need for choices.

People in society struggle with scarcity and the need for choices. We all want more than we need, and its something that we can not avoid in this world. Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants, in a world of limited resources. I can relate to scarcity a lot, I always want more than I actually need. For example, every time I go to a mall, in my mindset, I always have to buy at least one nice blouse, from my favorite store. Or, for example, I love watching television, especially when my favorite shows come out, and when I know I don’t have the channel to one of my favorite shows, I have to go and buy the seasons to watch it. I soon started to ask myself this question, “ What would my life be if I couldn’t get any of theses things?” Well, it would be horrible of course. Someday these things are not going to be available to me or anyone in particular who live their lives just like mine. People are so use to getting things they want, but they never really stop and think if they actually need it. Scarcity should remind us of the decisions we all should make daily to help us manage our resources to meet our needs not our wants.

Along with scarcity comes “Choice.” Since scarcity is the unlimited wants of a human being, choice comes in as an important concept to what the decisions are to making a change. For example, my endless wants of buying clothes, and purchasing my DVD television series, can be changed by a simple choice. It is my action to take whether or not I want to deliberately continue with buying my wants. Making the right choice can help me make the right decisions of what resources I really need. For example, I, can say something like, “ I want to buy my television show series.” Or I can totally make a decision that I thought about and say , “ I will save my money and buy the series next week.” This just shows how I should handle the way I want to spend my money, and use my resources. All human beings must choose between the things that will satisfy or benefit them, and think about the things that will leave them unsatisfied.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Student Store

~ Student Store Update ~
We did not open the store at the beginning of the week, we were all busy, and we did not find the time to do so. Friday we were definitely going to open it, there is a movie premiering here at school at 6:30 p.m and we were asked to open it earlier so that we could sell to the people who come early. This will bring great  business to our store, and also there is suppose to be an art gallery opened after school as well so we can sell to the people who come to that.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

English Standard

 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,
using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

f. Use specific rhetorical devices to support assertions (e.g., appeal to logic
through reasoning; appeal to emotion or ethical belief; relate a personal
anecdote, case study, or analogy). CA

   Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth a women with a speech that talks about what life was as a black women. A speech which contains a message to those women who were thought to be inferior than men. Sojourner Truth uses exemplification to clarify the main points why women should have the same rights as men. She uses ethos, pathos, and logos to make her audience feel, and believe how and what she was going through, and she uses illustration to convey the message of equal rights.

Truth uses exemplification to sate that she does labor work just as a man would. How does that make Truth any different. Truth says, " Aren't I a women", showing the perseverance and power of what a women could achieve. Truth says a man should help a women into carriages, and lifted over ditches, but no one ever treated her that way. How is she suppose to go through that living with no respect and treated with no rights. Truth is a strong and smart women who knows where she stands.

Truth uses pathos, ethos, and logos to make her audience capture the emotion of what she went through. That includes the hard labor, and the abuse of lashes. Even the worst she talks about the thirteen children she once had, but she lost them all because they were sold off into slavery. She uses logos to point out that Christ came from a women and God. A women plays an important role, and she should have those rights. Ethos is used to show how yet again she was treated, being an African American, she has experienced racism of not being helped into carriages, as a women should be treated.

The illustration Truth uses is to make women realize that they are not some fragile thing that men think they are. They are strong women who can do anything they set their mind to, they are brave independent women. By this speech Truth wants the audience especially women to know they should have equal rights.

In conclusion, after all Truth has been through, she shows that she is a modest person, with an important message to strong women. She conveys this message through, exemplification, ethos, pathos, logos, and illustration.

English Standard

1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text

says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining

where the text leaves matters uncertain.

Obama's "Middle Class Economics"

  • Obama claiming credit for successfully leading U.Ss out of recession
  • Urged Republican controlled congress to adopt a series of redistribution economic issues to help improve Americans struggling middle class
  • Proposed closing tax loopholes on large inheritances
  • Obama pledged to veto any Republican attempts to the dismantle the Affordable Care Act
  • Obama is acting like a internet troll
I believe Obama improving the conditions of the middle class was a great measure for Americans. The crisis is now over and Americans have a stronger economic growth.

Monday, March 2, 2015

English Standard

    E. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

What would lead a man to drop out of society and move into the woods away from the world?

What would lead a man to drop out of society and move into the woods away from the world is society itself. Society can be irritating in many ways, they complain, and cause problems. Sometimes all you want is to find peace, and living among people all the time does not work. A man moving into the woods is the solution to avoid society's foolish problems. A man would live freely in the woods without people telling him what to do, or simply bothering him. Living in the woods would cost way cheaper than living with society, and you wouldn't have to worry about all the expenses you have to pay.