Wednesday, November 12, 2014

English Standard 6-12

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language
to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or

                                                         Hell Description

Hell is an underworld of persecution and misery. It is the home of the most terrifying creature ever known. He lurks in the darkness, his red glowing eyes resemble the fire. It lies beneath the thick walls of fire, watching every soul grieve. Hell is a dungeon of no escape, with its demons and the unknown.
    The thick walls of fire burn with intense heat devouring every soul. The air is filled with an annoyance of smoke that never ends. Souls choke for air, others scream in agony, echoing through the various regions. There are cells that contain thousands of souls, ready to be tortured.
    Souls are punished for their crimes, and their unfaithfulness to god. They pay for all the sins and unacceptable choices. If they never wished to end in hell, they should have never thought of committing those crimes.
    Torture is the greatest physical torment of all. The souls never get used to the pain. They get burned over and over again, with the hot blazing flames. Their flesh melts off their bodies very slowly. Some roam around with legs, arms, or even heads missing. Other souls have their faces drained with misery, making every bone noticeable.
Demons perform all the torments to the souls. Every single torment performed fills them with excitement. They feel so powerful, there's not a single moment of hesitation. The demons are all black, they have claws that can rip anything in seconds. Their huge wings allows them to rapidly fly from one place to another.
Hell is everybody's worst nightmare. It is the place no one should think of ending up in. The creature that lurks in the darkness adores every soul who enters it’s dungeon. He, himself looks on earth choosing those who deserve, and should end up in his dungeon of misery, and pain.
Those who enter never come out, they are destined to spend all their lives in hell. The thick walls of fire expand every month, when more, and more souls are thrown in. Everyday new methods are created to torture souls, and everyday the pain and misery increases more and more.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Student Store Bar Update

 This week we were back on track with the Student Snack Bar, we were informed that
we could sell anything we wanted thirty minutes after school. So now we have been working on finishing the list of popular items to sell at the store. On Tuesday, went to Patty and asked her for letter heads for the donation letter we had done a while ago. She also helped us on reviewing our donation letter, and on Wednesday, we went back to her office and she printed out our donation letter request. We made a few copies so we could give out to the businesses, we plan to ask for donations. Since there are four of us working on the student snack store, we decided to split up, so Julisa, and Jazmine are going to focus on the silk screen. We thought it would be a great idea to incorporate a silk screen to our project.