Tuesday, December 16, 2014

English Standard 6-12

The Battle over assisted suicide(Article)

1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text

says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining

where the text leaves matters uncertain.

What is a "Death with Dignity ."

  • "right to die" laws believe patients suffering should have the right to control the timing and circumstances of their deaths .
Is there a right to die?
  • advocacy group compassion and choices has been lobbying for a ballot in California, that nearly two-thirds of the residents would support the election.
  • People are resolve to have the option available.
How about the rest of the world?
  • European nations are far more accepting of the "right to die."
  • Assisted suicide is legal in switzerland, Germany, Albania, also Colombia, Japan, and Canadian province Quebec.
  • In Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg allow ill patients to be euthanized by a doctor.
Why does he say that?
  • more than 40 people suffering from depression or mental illnesses requested and did get euthanasia
  • Assisted deaths have gone up to 15 percent a year since 2008, may hit 6,000 this year.
  • People living in the Netherlands do not have to qualify for euthanasia.
Will this happen in the United States?
  • Depends on how the laws are written
I believe Brittany Maynard has the right to choose if she wants to end her life due to her illness, but i don't think it would be a good idea for other states to adopt the Oregon Law. Other states should not adopt this law because, I feel so many people would take advantage of this law and make the wrong decisions. For example, people who have cancer, some would not want to wait if they will be cancer free in the future, they would loose hope, and just decide to end their lives with a law that prevents them from suffering.

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