Wednesday, December 17, 2014

English Standard 6-12

2. Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).

The United States Postal Service
As the world encounters new changes, many other things are nearly forgotten. The world nearly seems to be run by technology. Whether its the phones, computers, or the internet itself. The United States Postal Service has been around for centuries, but sadly its service has seems to be over run by electronic mail. Due to this, the USPS has made the decision of cutting back its services. That is why I think the USPS should be reconstructed, so it can yet again meet the needs of a changing world.

If the United States Postal Service considers to restructure, there will be no worries that American Citizens will loose there jobs. In other words, it would be a great opportunity for more job positions for citizens. The USPS will show that its effort to keep Americans Citizens satisfied will even be more desirable.(Doc C) "At the end of the day, I'm convinced that if we make the changes that are necessary, we can continue to provide universal service for Americans for decades to come."

Sooner or later there will be one day when technology will fail. What would happen if technology was the only source of communication we have relied on, and the USPS was long forgotten. It would definitely be a major chaos to America. The USPS is a major importance to our nation, and millions of people depend on its service. The USPS should step up there game and remind citizens that it is a representation of America. There are many places people who do not have the advantage of having technology.(Doc G) Shows the Ochopee Post Office, the smallest free standing post office in the United States. Like they say, the smallest things can make  difference.  

The United States Postal Service needs to maintain there service on point. They should increase there hours or days in which they open. Or probably get more workers to work more shifts, and satisfy costumers.(Doc A) "At the end of the day, I'm convinced that if we make the changes that are necessary, we can continue to provide universal service to Americans for decades tom come."

In conclusion, technology might seem to overtake the world, but the USPS can never be forgotten.


English Standards 6-12

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using

effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.(Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)


I'm running for the position of owner for Target. I am well qualified person for this job. I have my bachelors degree in business administration, so I know what it takes to have good management skills. I've gained many experiences on how to work with employees, and give them guidance. I encourage teamwork, for great success. This is a great opportunity to vote for me, you will not find anyone else with great leadership skills. I will give many people the chance of new jobs. I've been given the chance to make other businesses prosperous, and if I become manager of Target, I can achieve many great things. There is no need in looking for owner, because I am perfect for the position. I studied all my life to become this, and I truly believe I can make a difference, just I did to the other businesses. I'm very enthusiastic about my work ethic and sharing it with others. I will make sure my employees work hard and interact with costumers, for any need of assistance. I've seen many other businesses that forget that the costumers need to be treated right, and as owner I will make sure no person will be ignored.

English Standard 6-12

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using 

effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
In Cold Blood
4) Compare what life is like in Holcomb, Kansas, before and after the murder. In what ways does the incident affect the community?

What life is like in Holcomb, Kansas, before the murder is peaceful. Holcomb seems to be a place where nothing tragic would happen. The Clutter family are living there lives like normal people. People in the community are either working, or doing their own thing. In a community like Holcomb everyone seems to know each other, especially the Clutter family. After the murder everything seemed to change, especially in the community, many people are scared, they start to have trust issues on one another. They think the murderer is among them, and they go to an extreme where they start buying locks for their homes. Its just a shock to everyone the Clutter family, one of the most popular known families in the community are dead. Especially when the Clutter family is a nice family, and the community also believed if this happened to them, then it could definitely happen to one of them.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

English Standard 6-12

A new Supreme Court challenge of Obamacare(Article)

1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text

says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining

where the text leaves matters uncertain.


  • help low-and middle-income Americans afford private health insurance
  • "most federal judges who have considered this claim have tossed it out, and for good reason."
  • If they deny subsides to those 36 states, young, healthy people who can not afford insurance markets would go into a "death spiral."
 What I think of the Obama Care running through the supreme court again is that I do not believe they will destroy Obama care if the court took the case.

English Standard 6-12

The Battle over assisted suicide(Article)

1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text

says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining

where the text leaves matters uncertain.

What is a "Death with Dignity ."

  • "right to die" laws believe patients suffering should have the right to control the timing and circumstances of their deaths .
Is there a right to die?
  • advocacy group compassion and choices has been lobbying for a ballot in California, that nearly two-thirds of the residents would support the election.
  • People are resolve to have the option available.
How about the rest of the world?
  • European nations are far more accepting of the "right to die."
  • Assisted suicide is legal in switzerland, Germany, Albania, also Colombia, Japan, and Canadian province Quebec.
  • In Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg allow ill patients to be euthanized by a doctor.
Why does he say that?
  • more than 40 people suffering from depression or mental illnesses requested and did get euthanasia
  • Assisted deaths have gone up to 15 percent a year since 2008, may hit 6,000 this year.
  • People living in the Netherlands do not have to qualify for euthanasia.
Will this happen in the United States?
  • Depends on how the laws are written
I believe Brittany Maynard has the right to choose if she wants to end her life due to her illness, but i don't think it would be a good idea for other states to adopt the Oregon Law. Other states should not adopt this law because, I feel so many people would take advantage of this law and make the wrong decisions. For example, people who have cancer, some would not want to wait if they will be cancer free in the future, they would loose hope, and just decide to end their lives with a law that prevents them from suffering.

Monday, December 15, 2014

English Standard 6-12

English Standard

8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources,

using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each
source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the
text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance
on any one source and following a standard format for citation including
footnotes and endnotes. CA
Milton Snavely Hershey
Have you ever just sat there eating a Hershey bar and wondered, who created such an amazing tasteful candy bar? Its impressive how the Hershey Company came to be from a person who did not get a well education, but yet kept going to find success. Milton S. Hershey’s continuous effort in candy making was revealed through his early years, his drive for success, and winning the title “The Chocolate King.”
Born in September 3, 1857, in Derry Township, Pennsylvania, Milton S. Hershey being the only child was influenced by both of his parents. They both influenced him to perseverance and chasing dreams for success. Having this mindset, Hershey and his parents moved a lot throughout his childhood making Milton’s education limited and only enabled him up to the fourth grade. In 1871,at the age of fourteen, Milton was put to work to become a printer apprentice for a German-English newspaper, but working as a printer really did not fascinate him. In 1873, Hershey’s mother found him a new job. Milton Hershey became apprenticed to Joseph Royer, a Lancaster County confectioner, where he would learn to make candy(Polyak). Hershey then found his special interest for candy making.
Hershey decided to establish his first candy store at the age of eighteen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During that time, it was the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, he knew people we going to come and so he took the opportunity to sell his candy. It was a chance to put his business out there and achieve that success. Unfortunately, after putting so much work into the store and having the support from his family, he knew that his store was a failure. After somewhat disappointed, he decided to move to Denver, Colorado, his dad was living there after the separation with his mother. Hershey had been told about the great prosperity in the West, so he set out to find it. Hershey learned new things living in Colorado, he learned the secret in making caramels with fresh milk. Following his new insight, he tried opening more businesses in Chicago, New Orleans, and New York, but yet success never came and those businesses became failures. Hershey struggled to maintain those businesses, he could never keep up with the bills, therefore leading to a definite downfall. Yet Hershey never seemed to give up, at the age of twenty-nine, he moved back to Pennsylvania and he opened the Lancaster Caramel Company. Although the Lancaster Caramel Company business ran slow, Hershey did not give up on it. Hershey did not have any capital just as the other businesses, but that was not the end of the caramel company. Four years later that business came to success. Hershey was shipping his caramels all over the country. The Lancaster Caramel Company became one of the leading manufacturers of caramel in the United States, and Hershey became a rich famous man.
Who knew a visit to the Columbian Exposition in Chicago would make someone’s life a turning point to an even more successful life. In 1893, Hershey attended the exposition, and was immediately hooked on a German chocolate making exhibit. He was captivated by the idea of chocolate making, so he purchased the equipment, shipped it back to the Lancaster Caramel company, and started making chocolate himself. Focusing on the chocolate making, he sold the Lancaster Caramel Company for one million dollars. That money was later used to start funding his new company, the Hershey Company. The Hershey Company would become one of the very well know chocolate making business in the world making fortunes. Hershey decided to build this factory on a farmland where he originally came from, Derry Township, Pennsylvania. It would become a new course in the candy industry. The location resulted quite beneficial, since the port cities could provide him with the cocoa beans and sugar. As well, the farm lands around would help him The construction of the Hershey Company began in 1894, and two years later was finished. It had also taken a while making the perfect recipe for making milk chocolate. Hershey only concentrated in making one specific milk chocolate bar called, “Nickel” bar, which was introduced in the 1900’s. Hershey priced the chocolate bar a nickel so people could afford purchasing it, and it turned out a success. Immediately there were rising sales, and the nickel bar also known as the Hershey bar, was a hit to America. The company also produced its famous Hershey Kisses, and each day about sixty million were produced. Later on more products such as the Hershey syrup, Hershey’s miniature chocolates, Hershey with almonds were also introduced. As the company grew so did his wealth, he had become the richest man. Hershey used the money to travel the world with his wife.
   Hershey also did good deeds for people, his success led him to create a community for his home region. Hershey created "Hersey Town "mostly for his employees. Milton Hershey philosophy included taking care of the workers in his employ ( Seebeck). In this town he built many things such as schools, parks, churches, recreational facilities, and of course housing for the employees that would be affordable. Hershey was the man of the people, when the Great Depression came around he did not let the community fall. The factory survived the Great Depression in the 1930's and it was still running strong afterwards ( Kudra).
One of the significant things Hershey did was build the Milton S. Hershey School, for orphaned boys in 1909. Hershey and his wife wanted the boys to have a stable home for them to live in and a good education. Hershey had a limited education but his successful life gave opportunity for those boys to have one, and have the privilege to learn. After knowing that they could not have any children, his ambition yet again was to help those in need and make a difference in their lives. Hershey always used his fortune to provide everyone with a positive difference.
In the final years of Hershey’s life there were sad and happy endings. In 1919 Hershey’s beloved wife passed away, it was an unexpected death. After the death he decided to give all of his fortune made from his Hershey company to the Hershey School. The estimated amount given towards the school was a total of sixty million dollars. In the ending years of his life he created more buildings in Hershey town so that men could keep working. He also supported the military during World War 2, by giving them chocolate bars called the “Ration Bars.” The Hershey Company produced more than a billion ration bars for the troops. Finally Milton Snavely Hershey passed away October 13, 1945 at the age of eighty. Hershey left behind a well known company, still known today as the Hershey Food Corporation selling and making millions of the iconic Hershey Bars in 90 countries around the world. There are attractions in Pennsylvania known as Hershey Park, Hershey Chocolate World, which has been created in New York, and Las Vegas, and a Hershey Museum. Places created to remember the “Chocolate King.”
In conclusion, Milton Snavely Hershey impacted the industry in candy making with the popular Hershey Bar. Growing up with limited education led him to prosper in what became his passion for chocolate making. His ambitions helped people who were in need, and who were in his position when he was growing up. Hershey clearly wanted to avoid them growing up just as he did. Milton S. Hershey’s continuous effort in candy making was revealed through his early years, his drive for success, and winning the title “The Chocolate King.”

English Standard 6-12

English Standard

5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most
significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should
demonstrate command of Language standards 1–3 up to and including grades

  1. Introduction
    1. thesis
      1. Milton S. Hershey’s continuous effort in candy making was revealed through his early years, his drive for success, and winning the title “The Chocolate King.”
  2. Early Years
    1. Milton S. Hershey
      1. background
        1. born September 3, 1857 in Derry Township Pennsylvania
        2. limited education up to the fourth grade
        3. parents taught him to succeed
    2. Adolescent
      1. worked for a candy maker
    3. Interest
      1. candy making
  3. Drive for success
    1. Business
      1. first candy store (fail)
    2. Attempts
      1. headed west for success
      2. Hershey’s various tries in creating his own candy business
    3. First Success
      1. Lancaster Caramel Company
  4. Chocolate King
    1. Columbian Exposition in Chicago(1893)
      1. turning point in Hershey's career
      2. hooked on chocolate making
    2. Hershey Company(1894)
      1. getting started
      2. wealth
        1. traveled the world(age 47)
      3. expansion       
    3. Hershey Town
      1. wanted to help his workers
        1. schools
        2. churches
        3. stores
    4. Milton Hershey School
      1. Helping Orphaned boys
        1. gave them an education

  1. Final Years
    1. Family
      1. marriage
        1. wife died in 1919
        2. no kids
    2. Business
      1. Hershey donated all his fortune(60 million)
      2. Death
        1. October 13,1945
  2. Conclusion

Friday, December 5, 2014

Student Store Update

This past week went pretty good with the student store. On Monday, the locks that we needed to put on the refrigerator and cabinet were put on so that we can keep our merchandise safe.We talked to Silvia about the cash box that we had requested, and she had it already so that was good. We also made sure she had the key to the locks from the refrigerator and cabinet so we can have everything ready when we opened it. Then Wednesday was our opening of our store, it would be the first time we ever opened it, and it went really good. Some of the students arrived early and wanted to buy the merchandise, but we couldn't let them because it is against the rules to do so. So that is a problem for us, it would be better if we opened it right after school and not wait the thirty minutes, because all the students leave by then. Now we are trying to figure out if it is possible to actually open it right after school, it would be so much better. Jazmine, Irene, Julisa and I, have decided to open our store twice a week, every Tuesday and Wednesday. We hope we can keep our store running, and solve the issues that come across all of us.