Friday, March 20, 2015

English Standard

 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,

using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports

the argument presented.

Warming up to write an Argument

Write down at least three objections to each of the following propositions: 

1a) Women should be drafted into the military.

  • emotionally unstable
  • women should take care of their kids
  • to weak
1b) The United States should have its own army
  • its costly
  • become one world government 
  • United Nations should bring peace
1c) The euro should now be used in every country of the world.
  • not everyone knows how to pay in euros
  • all country's would be the same
1d) Every official meeting of congress should begin with a prayer.
  • not everyone has the same religion
  • conflicts of religion
  • religion should not be involve with political view
 1e) " I am not responsible for saving the world"
  • save the world by recycle
  • volunteer work, picking up trash
  • save water 
For each of the following areas, list three topics you think you could develop into a persuasive argument:

2a) Something in your personal life you would like to change.
  • economic problems
  • living conditions
2b) A social or political problem that needs solving.
  • teen pregnancy
  • minimum wage
  • gas prices
2c) An area of education you would like to see improved.
  • public speaking 
  • attendance
  • communication 
Sketch out some ideas you would like to use to support the following quotations: 

3a)  " Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest violence."
  • When people are being discriminated, the end results end up in great violence
3b) " The most tragic paradox of our time is to be founded in the failure of nations-states to recognize the imperatives of internationalism."
  • need to be more patriotic
  • use time wisely 
3c) " There is no greater lie than the truth misunderstood."
  • The boy who cried wolf was telling the truth , and they ended up killing him
3d) " To be successful in business, be daring, be first,be different."
  •  make your own decisions, don't let anyone make them for you 
3e) " The drive toward complex technical achievement offers a clue to why the U.S is good at space gadgetry and bad at slum problems."
  • the U.S has a good title, but yet does nothing to help poverty

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